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Online Safety

Everyone at Cedars Manor School entered a competition during Safer Internet Week. The winning entries can be seen below on a slideshow.

Well done to everyone who won, and to all of the school for their dedication and enthusiasm during the competition. 


Miss Elsawy


Welcome to the Online Safety page! 

Hello, welcome to Cedars Manor School Online Safety Page. This page is created to help you, the Parents, learn more about keeping yourself and your child(ren) safe online. What happens on the Internet can change very quickly, please take the time to look through the information on this page. Thank you.


Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe. Each term, the children in Nursery through to Year 6 are given a specific online safety topic to discuss and explore. It is important that children are exposed to the necessary skills needed to be able to make informed choices when using the Internet. Our main goal is to ensure that all students – and parents - know what to do if they are worried or upset by any adverse online situation. Every year Cedars Manor School takes part in a worldwide Safer Internet Day campaign, which enables a deeper look into Online Safety issues and cyber-bullying as well issues involving social media.


The Online Safety leader (Miss H Elsawy) sends regular updates on topical issues through the school’s newsletter and encourages community cohesion by updating parents with relevant information on how to keep children safe online when at home.


Please familiarise yourself with the information found on this page. If you would like to get in touch with the Online Safety leader, then please ask for Miss H Elsawy at the front office or by writing a note in your child's planner, or email the office at citing FAO Miss Elsawy in the subject tab.

Let’s keep our children safe online!

We are a SMART school!

Safer Internet Week - Stay SMART online!

Please read this parent guide on TikTok!

Whatsapp Advice for parents

How to add Parental Controls on Roblox

Online Gaming Top Tips

Useful guides on how to stay safe online!

Online Safety Picture Books by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross

Storybooks can be a great way of helping younger children to understand the positives of online technology but can also help them think about what can sometimes go wrong and what skills we need to navigate the online world safely. Below are three titles we highly recommend:


1) ‘Troll Stinks, is a book for younger children exploring the themes of cyberbullying, being kind online and taking/sharing pictures. The book is a modern take on the traditional ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ story. Three goats send unkind mobile phone messages to the troll and we see the devastating effect this has on the troll.


2) ‘Chicken Clicking, explores online safety message in a very funny and age appropriate way for younger children. Chicken has hours of fun online until everything goes wrong when she arranges to meet a friend she’s made online and she finds they were not who they said they were!


3) ‘Goldilocks’,  explores the pitfalls of social media. In her quest to get more likes, more laughs and more hits, Goldilocks tries something a little more daring: stealing porridge (#pipinghot), breaking chairs (#fun), and using someone else’s bed (#sleep). What will Daddy Bear do when he sees that online?

You can find these ebooks online.


Online Gaming - when does it become Online Addiction?

Online gaming is hugely popular with children and young people. Annual research conducted by OFCOM shows that gaming is still one of the top activities enjoyed by 5-16 year olds online, with many of them gaming via mobile devices and going online using their games console. But what happens when gaming takes over a young person's life? Childnet provides advice on how you can support your child at different ages of their life with online gaming.

The growing phenomenon of young people sharing inappropriate pictures of themselves online has become a real issue, with recent reports suggesting that children as young as 7 have been involved.

The NSPCC has produced a guide to help parents talk with their children about the dangers and legalities surrounding this, to help empower them to say “no” to requests. Access to this guide can be found here  NSPCC GUIDE – PLEASE SHARE.


Useful websites to visit!

Extremism and Radicalisation


It is vital that staff and parents are aware of the possible danger of extremism and radicalisation of children, predominantly but not solely through online activities.  We are committed to supporting parents and pupils to be aware of these dangers.  The document - Channel Duty Guidance 2015 - below provides further information on this.


Channel Duty Guidance 2020
