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Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Development



Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development at Cedars Manor School


Cedars Manor School is a happy place where expectations are high, individuals are valued and a wide range of educational opportunities are available to all. We promote the fundamental British cultural values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs via many different aspects of our curriculum, such as literacy, history, religious education and PSHE. In addition we follow the Rights Respecting Schools programme which provides a framework that nurtures the children’s understanding of rights and respect, both at school and in the wider world. We believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to shine. Cedars Manor School is a place where:


  • everyone is safe and secure

  • everyone feels valued, included and respected

  • there is achievement, enjoyment and celebration of success

  • everyone is encouraged to make a positive contribution

  • we work together

  • everyone has an equal opportunity to shine

  • parents and extended family play a positive part in school life.


    Pupils are taught to follow the Cedars Way:

    Forgive Share Be Honest Be Kind Listen to others Do your best to be your best Treat other people as you want to be treated.

    Cedars Manor attaches great importance to Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and its place in the school curriculum. We aim to help each child to develop a positive self-image and establish his/her own values and personal qualities. Children will gain self-awareness, positive self-esteem and confidence through:


  • Fostering and encouraging each child's personal and social development;

  • Encouraging each child's integration within a variety of social situations

  • Respecting the differences between people

  • Encouraging and promoting physical exercise and understanding the importance of a sensible diet

  • Staying as healthy as possible

  • Keeping themselves and others safe

  • Developing independence and responsibility

  • Becoming informed, thoughtful, active and responsible citizens


    The PSHE curriculum is delivered through a programme called Jigsaw; Jigsaw PSHE brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a lesson-a-week programme. Further information about this programme can be found at In addition we use NSPCC resources, and Childline visit the school to carry out assemblies and workshops focused on safeguarding for pupils in years 5 and 6. We have a strong Anti-Bullying Policy, and an Anti-Bullying Charter created by pupils via the school council. The aim of the anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied.

Our Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)curriculum is linked closely to our provision for safeguarding, and embedded into the PSHE Jigsaw programme. Some aspects of the science curriculum have links to RSE. Both PSHE and RSE support the statutory requirement for schools to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, and are designed to prepare our pupils for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
